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 lookin for a buddy (3) Message by Ladybug
 Re: lookin for a buddy (2) Message by LeeSam
 Re: lookin for a buddy (1) Message by Sweet lady
Sweet lady
Joined: 3/18/2005
Posted:  3/21/2005 8:28:00 AM # Replys: 1

Subject:  Re: lookin for a buddy
Hi Lee Sam, I just joined but I started out at 340 and lost 45 on my own then found this website and love it. I am now at 264 and I am determined to do this. I have found that fish is great stuffed flounder is low, pork chops and even a small steak, my fave is brown rice and beans with some tomato sauce the real plain kind and some italian spices (Mrs. Dash) mixed in, I love it and it is the perfect meal something to do with the balance of carb and protein. I also found fatburn restaurant listings to be wonderful I check out my favorites and I find what is the best to eat and then do that as well. It is amazing what we can eat. Continued success to you.

Author Subject/Message
Joined: 1/7/2005
Posted:  3/22/2005 11:43:00 AM # Replys: 0

Subject:  Re: lookin for a buddy  View this message and its replies.
How do you cook the flounder? I am culinary challenged and can use any help you can give. My husband is the chef in my family, but he travels exstensively so I'm on my own several days a week. I usually eat chicken breast I grill or plain tuna. I can handle this 95% of my meals, but it would be nice to have 1 or 2 specials to throw in. I usually have 1450 to 1850 calories a day and find for me this works. I don't beleive in starving myself. If your calories go to low you may lose weight, but it won't necessarily be bodyfat. I prefer the slow and steady method. Congrats on your 45 lb loss, that's great. What's your ratio on fat/carbs/protein? I usually do a daily of 18-20%fat/42-46%carbs/-34-38%protein. I have one or two cheat meals a week, but I don't go wild like I used to when I was doing Body For Life. I just got back from vacation yesterday and I gained 3lbs, but considering I didn't workout at all or count calories I'm ok with it. I was so proud though that I got up this morning and did my weight routine with cardio. I so didn't feel like it, but that's how I stopped doing BFL 2 1/2 years ago. I was going great and then I just skipped a workout here and there and stopped eating healthy and before I knew I was right back where I started-almost. I found that I had even more bodyfat and cellulite than I had before I started. Well I guess I've gone on enough about me. I hope you are having a great day.

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