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Take control of your weight loss and live your life your way learn more Pictures of how to lose weight and diet correctly.

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[Eat a balanced diet of food you actually like.] [Keep a daily journal of your foods and exercises.] [Burn more calories than you consume.]
Learn how to change your diet to take control of your weight loss and lose weight.

3. It's a simple equation.

The mystery of weight loss comes down to this:

3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat

Action Your Body's Reaction *
Eat cereal Store 230 calories
Eat a sandwich Store 300 calories
Eat an apple Store 80 calories
Eat a steak dinner Store 600 calories
Snack on potato chips Store 150 calories
Watch TV Burn 60 calories
Read a book Burn 60 calories
Jog around the block Burn 200 calories
Power your muscles, brain and lungs
and everything else all day long
Burn 900 calories

Your body does the math! Store 140 calories
(You just gained weight!)

If you don't use the energy (calories) that your body takes in, your body stores it as fat.  It's not rocket science or magic.

The Solution:  burn more energy that you consume.

Every day: burn 500 more calories than you consume
Every week: do that every day
7 days * 500 calories = 3,500 calories.
fatburn.com makes it easy for you to follow the math and watch the pounds disappear.
*These are approximate values for an average woman.

Learn more about the weight loss program by clicking here.

Take the tour of our weight loss program and learn how to take control of your diet and weight.   For less than a gym membership, take control and start losing weight today!

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Memberships start at just $3.75/week!

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[After losing his weight, fatburn.com rewarded him with $100.]

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