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 This really works (1) Message by goodsoul
 Re: This really works (2) Message by amy
Joined: 5/10/2009
Posted:  5/13/2009 8:55:00 AM # Replys: 2

Subject:  Re: This really works
I'm just 4 days into the site right now and I just lost 4.5 lbs, which is utter amazement to me becuase I was having such a really hard time making that scale budge just 1lb and I tried everything, I am very disciplined when I try something so I don't know what was going on. But today I gained my .5 back and my question to you is does this happen to you too? I really hope to hear back from you, most important I hope I can find this message again I'm just learning my way around.
thanks for ANY input

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Joined: 2/8/2009
Posted:  5/20/2009 12:38:00 PM # Replys: 0

Subject:  Re: This really works  View this message and its replies.
Hey there..... Well, first of all - welcome!! I was out of state taking care of my very ill mother and had'nt checked my e-mails until just a few days ago. Losing close to 4.5 pounds in four days is pretty incredible. What you may have lost in your first week was simply water which we all retain on a daily basis. When starting a new nutritional program combined with excercise, our bodies will flush out water and toxins from our system. Gaining it back may be due to a consumption of high levels of salt, or the nutritional value of what you are eating. What type of foods are in your nutriotnal program and how often do you excercise? have a nice day!

Joined: 8/22/2009
Posted:  8/29/2009 4:44:00 PM # Replys: 0

Subject:  Re: This really works  View this message and its replies.
This always happens to me...I figure we'll always have those days that we make not so good choices, but thats normal. As long as we don't let it get out of hand, thats why you input your food everyday, good or bad. It makes us accountable. I haven't journeled my meals for months and have now crept up 25 pounds in a year!!!! Thats why I'm back! For me, not my husband or anyone else, but ME! I'm not going crazy right now, just taking it slow and have lost 3 pounds this week and my goal it to lose .45 of a pound every week. Thats what I love about it. Its sooo easy.
Hope to keep in touch. Good Luck! Tomorrow is always a new day.

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